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Man Standing on a Mountain

Body Theater and Poetic Material



A man searches for a sheep gone missing and along the way meets his own reflection, through a journey, melody, and a dream.

About Moses, Jesus, and every man. Touching the gap between wakefulness and sleep, reality and dream, life-giving force and prophecy.

Presented among others in...

Białystok, Poland, 2010, The International Festival of Puppetry Schools

Turku, Finland, Puppetry Workshop

The International Festival of Puppet Theater, Jerusalem, 2010

Holon Puppet Theater Festival, 2010

Arma Theater, Ein Hod, 2011


Directed by: Ruth Hof and Moran Aviv

Performed by: Moran Aviv and Ruth Hof

Concept and Design: Ruth Hof

Guidance: Roni Nalken-Mosinson and Amit Drori

The School of Visual Theater, 2010

Stills: Ruth Yudkowitz

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