Body of Memories
Musical Memories Collection Project
June 2024
An interactive space set up to help raise memories related to music and sound. The participants are invited to a small personal journey in the realms of their sound memories. In the space they can hum longing, dive into a kit of deepening sound memory, go through an interview with a DJ, discover a period of life through hearing, talk about sound experiences with another participant and more...
The memories that emerge will become material for creation for the artists who will present at the Out of the Box Munich 2024 festival
Presented, among other places, at
Werksiviertelmittekunst Munich 2024

Creator: Ruth Hof
Artistic guidance: Emmanuel Witzthum
Consultation: Ira Avneri
Designer and consultant: Guy Saar Ruso
Project Management: Sarah Wildenblanck
Artistic directors: Martina Taubenberger & Emmanuel Witzthum
Photography: Lia Elias